Ken Meyer Jr.

Professional artist and illustrator for 40 years

Describing himself as someone who likes too much tennis, reading, tv/film, and way too many CDs, Ken could add art to the mix as he enjoys what he does for a living and it shows. The ultimate professional, Meyer has worked for Military contractors, online learning centers, advertising agencies, online gaming, comics, role-playing games and collectible card games. His clients include a who’s who of the gaming and comic world, including Sony, Marvel, Dark Horse, Caliber, Revolutionary, White Wolf, and Wizards of the Coast.

Ken’s journey to art began with what he called five years wasted as a teenager, though he managed to scrape it together, graduating from Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Illustration (Summa Cum Laude) and an MFA in Sequential Art. His primary mediums are watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, charcoal, mixed, digital and as of late, acrylic inks. The father of four daughters, Ken resides in Santa Ana, California. 

For more information on work by Ken Meyer Jr. or to commission him for projects or interviews, please contact him via the appropriate media platform:

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